Building self esteem in a child will be the creating factor in the
makings of a healthy adult both in mind and body. The foundation of
having confidence and the rounded well being factor will definitely
carry through to adulthood and the successes expected.
Encouraging a child to positively develop their own individual self
image is very important. Though it starts as a small and
insignificantly thought of process, the building of self image is
actually have a very big impact in the way a child views themselves. These
views will undoubtedly be transferred into adulthood, so the
implications are far and wide.
Teaching a child to have a strong positive self image will also help to
keep the child from having future behavioural problems. These
problems normally stem from the feelings of looking for acceptance
which if not found within the family unit, will then be sought outside.
During the young stages of a child’s life, being available for the child
as much as possible is also another way to build self esteem. However
being around does not necessarily means pandering to the every
whim and fancy of the child. It is more to build a level of bonding
within the family unit so that the desired closeness will be
instrumental in growing the love and confidence element in the child.
Interacting and being genuinely interested in the child activities and
accomplishment is also highly recommended. Sometime it may
require a certain percentage of feigning interest but its well worth
exercising the effort to encourage the feeling of self worth in a child.
Explaining gently or correcting a child gently keeps the child from
becoming overly fearful yet still being able to understand the reason for
the correction and also being able to acknowledge the mistake. This in
turn helps the child to always be able to move on and improve
themselves even after a mistake has happened.